Industry News ‘Antigua and Barbuda webinars prepare travel agents for destination re-opening’

Industry News ‘Antigua and Barbuda webinars prepare travel agents for destination re-opening’

28th April 2020

As the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Industry prepares for the eventual re-opening of airports once it becomes safe to travel, the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority (ABTA) has arranged a series of webinars within each of its major source markets, to inform the trade of destination developments related to covid-19, and to support travel agents eager to use their downtime to sharpen their product knowledge.

Webinar sessions have occurred in the United States, Canadian, United Kingdom and European markets, and have focused on showcasing the destination’s key selling points, as well as capturing insight from the agents as to the consumer sentiment within their markets.
“This is the ideal time for travel agents to improve their destination knowledge. We want to ensure our agents are prepared so that when their clients begin inquiring about beach destinations once again, they will be ready to confidently sell the destination, and our diverse and exciting range of product”, said CEO of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority Colin C. James.
The Tourism Authority’s online training sessions have attracted many attendees, with each session hosting over one hundred agents.

Over in the USA, Sales and Marketing Manager for the ABTA USA, Norrell Joseph said, “We hosted a webinar with over 800 registrants. This is a first in a series of webinars we will host to keep the destination ‘top of mind’ while being sensitive to the current circumstances.”
“As well as attracting the Antigua and Barbuda champions, our webinars have attracted a new cadre of agents, said ABTA’s UK based Business Development Manager Joel Henry. 

Henry shared feedback derived from one agent, who commented, “I have never had the pleasure of travelling to Antigua or Barbuda but after yesterday I think it will be the next place I have to tick off on my travel list. Plus it’s great to have as a go-to when selling travel to clients.
ABTA’s Canadian Team strategically created and executed an engaging webinar dubbed “Home-schooled, with Antigua and Barbuda’.
“It is our conclusion that, at the end of this current crisis, the travel advisor will have an even greater relevance to the consumer. Therefore, we continue working to ensure we maintain a strong travel agent community which is keen on selling Antigua and Barbuda to our Canadian market and further afield” said Sales and Marketing Manager in Canada, Tameka Wharton.

Members of the travel trade based in Antigua and Barbuda, are not being left out of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority’s outreach efforts and learning sessions.
A free Social Media Marketing webinar will take place on Wednesday 29 April 2020 at 10:00 a.m. for those within the industry keen to gain insight into tips for marketing their business on social media, during the time of Covid-19. Michael Ball, co-founder of Traverse, a London based influencer marketing and events company, will be the guest speaker. 

Registration can be done at:
The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority will also offer a webinar for travel agents located within the Caribbean region.

Source - St. Lucia News Online