Industry News ‘Dominica Opens Embassy in UAE to Help Link Diaspora to Homeland’

Industry News ‘Dominica Opens Embassy in UAE to Help Link Diaspora to Homeland’

22nd January 2020

On January 21, 2020, Dominica opened its new embassy in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates’ capital. It was inaugurated by the country’s Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit and several special guests.

Numerous high-level attendees were present at the ceremony, including His Excellency Hubert Charles, Dominica’s Ambassador to the UAE; Suhail Al Mazroui, Minister of Energy and Industry; and Saeed Abdullah Al Qamzi, Director of the Visits Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
In his speech, PM Skerrit affirmed the importance of enhancing Dominica’s diplomatic representation in the UAE and developing stronger ties between the two countries. He emphasised that the opening of the new embassy is the result of many of the island’s economic citizens residing in the UAE through the Citizenship by Investment Programme, which attains second citizenship to well-sought out foreign investors.

“Thanks to the Citizenship by Investment Programme, Dominica already has a small but dynamic population, resident in the UAE,” said Premier Skerrit. They contribute “to the dynamism of its service sector and to sustainable development at home,” he added.

Moreover, the Prime Minister said that the Dominican Embassy in the UAE would link the Dominican diaspora in the UAE to the homeland. With Dominica’s world-renowned CBI Programme’s demand growing, the embassy seeks to assist its economic citizens in the region with consular services, document issuance, emergency notices, tourism advice, and more.

Dominica’s CBI Programme is a reliable option for those looking to attain second citizenship in order to secure one’s future, open new doors, explore more business opportunities, ease visa-free travel and diversify options for overseas education. Those who pass the country’s extensive due diligence checks are eligible to offer an economic investment into either the country’s Economic Diversification Fund or in pre-approved real estate.

The small Caribbean island’s UAE Embassy is its 6th mission in the world, after the United States of America, Cuba, Canada, Belgium and the United Kingdom.

The Dominican Embassy in the UAE is located at 13-B 2F, Plaza 30, 100 Al Ladeem str, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. For more information, visit www.dominicaembassyuae.com .

Source - CBIU